AI ChatGPT TinyStudio

How to manual download models for TinyStudio


TinyStudio is a free, easy-to-use, AI-powered automatic subtitle generation Mac app. TinyStudio works with OpenAI’s open-source model called “Whisper.” And To implement the specific function, TinyStudio uses the open-source “whisper.cpp” from Georgi Gerganov. Therefore, to use it, you need to download the model files beforehand. You can either click the “Download” button when starting to generate subtitles for the first time, or you can manually download them yourself.


SEO: Using ChatGPT to do search keyword clustering analysis, methods, and examples

We can use the Google search console to find what words visitors are searching for to come to our website.

From Google’s search terms, we can see which of our content is better from the perspective of Google and the searcher. We can continue to create relevant content that reinforces Google’s understanding of which content we have more authority over, and we can better get more visits from Google.


Using ChatGPT to helps you quickly and efficiently complete your writing tasks [ChatGPT Practical Guide Series]

Introduction to ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a pre-trained large language model developed by OpenAI that is capable of high-quality AI conversation. It can automatically generate reasonable responses based on context, and in many cases, the user may not be able to tell whether the response was given by a human or an AI.